Dwarf Guide
Dwarf Leveling Guide
Level 1-12

- Speak with Sten Stoutarm right in front of you
and get Dwarven Outfitters.
- Head southwest and kill Ragged Young Wolves for
8 Tough Wolf Meat.
- Then, return to Sten Stoutarm. Turn in Dwarven
Outfitters and get the follow-ups Coldridge Valley
Mail Delivery and A New Threat.
- Head south and kill 6 Rockjaw Troggs and 6 Burly Rockjaw
- Then, return to Sten Stoutarm and turn in A
New Threat.
- Head west to Talin Keeneye and turn in Coldridge
Valley Mail Delivery. Get the next step in the chain.
Also, get The Boar Hunter.
- Head west and kill 8 Small Crag Boars.
- Then, return to Talin Keeneye and turn in The
Boar Hunter.
- Head southeast to Grelin Whitebeard and turn in
Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery. Get The Troll
Cave and Scalding Mornbrew Delivery.
- Return to Anvilmar.

- At Anvilmar, turn in Scalding Mornbrew Delivery
and get the follow-up Bring Back the Mug. Also,
get A Refugee's Quandry. Also, get and turn in (Your
Class) Quest and train your skills.
- Head southwest to Grelin Whitebeard and turn in
Bring Back the Mug.
During the next steps, kill 10 Frostmane Troll Whelps
around Felix's items.
- Pick up Felix's Box.
- Pick up Felix's Chest.
- Pick up Felix's Bucket of Bolts.
- Return to Grelin Whitebeard. Turn in The
Troll Cave and get the follow-up The Stolen
- Head southeast into the cave and take the first right
at the entrance. Go to the end of the cave and kill Grik'nir
the Cold for Grelin Whitebeard's Journal.
- Then, return to Grelin Whitebeard.

- At Grelin Whitebeard, turn in The Stolen Journal
and get the follow-up Senir's Observations.
- Head northeast to Anvilmar and turn in A Refugee's
Quandry. Also, train your skills.
- Head east to Mountaineer Thalos. Turn in Senir's
Observations and get the next step in the chain. Also,
get Supplies to Tannok.
- Head northeast through the pass and follow the road to

- Arrive at Kharanos. Turn in Senir's Observations
and Supplies to Tannok. Talk to the innkeeper
to Set Your Hearthstone to Thunderbrew
Distillery. Get all the quests available in Kharanos:
- Beer Basted Boar Ribs
- Tools for Steelgrill
- Head northeast to Steelgrill's Depot. Turn in Tools
for Steelgrill and get all the quests in the area:
- Ammo for Rumbleshot
- Stocking Jetsteam
- The Grizzled Den
- Head southwest into The Grizzled Den and kill Wendigos
for 8 Wendigo Mane.
- Head southeast and get Rumbleshot's Ammo at the
small camp. Kill Crag Boars and Black Bears in
the area to get 4 Chunks of Boar Meat, 6 Crag Boar Ribs,
and 2 Thick Bear Fur.
- Head southwest to Hegnar Rumbleshot and turn in
Ammo for Rumbleshot.
- Head northeast to Kharanos. Buy a Rhapsody Malt
at the inn and turn in Beer Basted Boar Ribs.
- Head northeast to Steelgrill's Depot and turn in
Stocking Jetsteam and The Grizzled Den. Get
the follow-up Evershine.

- Head west to Brewnall Village. Turn in Evershine
and get all the quests:
- Bitter Rivals
- A Favor for Evershine
- The Perfect Stout
Look around the camp and kill 6 Ice Claw Bear, 8 Elder
Crag Boar, and 8 Snow Leopard, then turn in A Favor
for Evershine. Get the follow-up Return to Bellowfiz.
- Head southeast back to Kharanos and into the tavern.
Buy a Thunder Ale from the innkeeper and go downstairs.
Interact with the Unguarded Thunder Ale Barrel and
get the follow-up Return to Marleth. Also get Frostmane
- Head northeast to Steelgrill's Depot and turn in
Return to Bellowfiz.
- Head west to Razzle Sprysprocket and get Operation
- Head north to Shimmer Ridge, enter from the northwest
side, and kill Frostmane Seers and open Shimmerweed
Baskets for 6 Shimmerweed.
- Head southwest to Brewnall Village and turn in
Return to Marleth and The Perfect Stout. Get
the follow-up Shimmer Stout.
- Head north and kill Leper Gnomes for 8 Restabilization
Cogs and 8 Gyromechanic Gears.
- Head southwest into Frostmane Hold. Enter the cave
and clear your way through the trolls to the end of it to
get credit for Fully Explore Frostmane Hold. Finish
killing 5 Frostmane Headhunter on your way out.
- Hearth to Thunderbrew Distillery by using your

- At Kharanos, turn in Frostmane Hold. Get
the follow-up The Reports.
- Turn in Operation Recombobulation at Razzle
Sprysprocket's house.
- Head east to Amberstill Ranch. Get Protecting
the Herd.
- Head southwest and around to Vagash and kill it
for the Fang of Vagash. Then, jump down to Amberstill
Ranch and turn in Protecting the Herd.
- Head southeast into Gol'Bolar Quarry. Get The
Public Servant and Those Blasted Troggs!
- Go into the cave below and kill 6 Rockjaw Skullthumper
and 10 Rockjaw Bonesnapper. Return up and turn in
The Public Servant and Those Blasted Troggs!
- Head northeast to the North Gate Outpost and get
The Lost Pilot.
- Head northwest to A Dwarven Corpse to complete
The Lost Pilot and get the follow-up A Pilot's
Head slightly west and kill Mangeclaw.
- Then, return to the North Gate Outpost and
turn in A Pilot's Revenge.
- Head around to the South Gate Outpost. Turn in
Shimmer Stout. Get the follow-up Stout to Kadrell.
- Head east through the South Gate Pass to Loch

Head northeast straight to Thelsamar. Turn in Stout
to Kadrell and Get the Flight Path.

- Fly to Ironforge. At the center area of the city,
turn in Report to Ironforge.
- Go to the Deeprun Tram. Inside the tram area, get
Deeprun Rat Roundup from Monty in the center
platform. Use the Rat Catcher's Flute when you're
near a Deeprun Rat, and captivate 5 Deeprun Rats.
Then, turn in Deeprun Rat Roundup and get the follow-up
Me Brother, Nipsy.
- Take the tram to Stormwind. At the Stormwind
tram, turn in Me Brother, Nipsy.

- At Stormwind, train your skills. Make sure
to get the Stormwind Flight Path. Some classes will
have a Level 10 Class Quest as well, pick it up.
Also, get Humble Beginnings from Baros Alexston
in the northeast section of Cathedral Square.
- Head southeast to Goldshire.

- Arrive at Goldshire and Set
your Hearthstone to Goldshire. Get all the quests
in the area:
- Gold Dust Exchange
- Kobold Candles
- The Fargodeep Mine
- A Fishy Peril - then, turn it in and get the
follow-up Further Concerns
- Elmore's Task
- Report to Gryan Stoutmantle
- Head southwest to The Stonefield Farm. Get the
quests Lost Necklace and Princess Must Die!
- Head east to The Maclure Vineyards and talk to
Maybell to get Young Lovers and talk to Billy
Maclure and turn in Lost Necklace and get the
follow-up Pie for Billy. Kill Stonetusk Boars
at the farm for 4 Chunk of Bear Meat.
- Head west to The Stonefield Farm and turn in Pie
for Billy. Get the follow-up Back to Billy. Further
to the west, turn in Young Lovers to Tommy Joe
Stonefield and get the follow-up Speak with Gramma.
Turn in the quest at Gramma Stonefield and get the
follow-up Note to William.
- Return to Billy Maclure and turn in Back to
Billy and get the follow-up Goldtooth.
- Head south inito the Fargodeep Mine. Kill your
way through to the northeast section and kill Goldtooth
for Bernice's Necklace. You don't have to complete
Gold Dust Exchange or Kobold Candles yet as there will be
another mine to visit soon.
- Return to Goldshire.

- At Goldshire, turn in The Fargodeep Mine.
Get the follow-up The Jasperlode Mine. Turn in Note
to William and get the follow-up Collecting Kelp.
- Head northeast to Crystal Lake and kill Murlocs
for 4 Crystal Kelp Fronds.
- Head northeast to the Jasperlode Mine and fight
your way through until you get:
- Credit for Exploring the Mine
- 10 Gold Dust
- 8 Large Candle
- Head southeast to Guard Thomas. Turn in Further
Concerns and get the follow-ups Find the Lost Guards
and Protect the Frontier.
- Head northwest to A Half-Eaten Body and complete
Find the Lost Guards and get the follow-up Discover
Rolf's Fate.
- Head northeast to Rolf's Corpse and complete Discover
Rolf's Fate. Get the follow-up Report to Thomas.
- Head southeast into the Eastvale Logging Camp.

- At the Eastvale Logging Camp, get the quests A
Bundle of Trouble and Red Linen Goods.
- Head around the camp from the northwest to the southeast
and gather 8 Bundles of Wood, and kill 8 Prowlers
and 5 Young Forest Bears.
- Head southwest to the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch.
Kill Defias Bandits for 6 Red Linen Bandana and kill
Princess for her Brass Collar. If you get
lucky, you may get the random drop Westfall Deed which
starts the quest Furlbrow's Deed.
- Go to Guard Thomas and turn in Protecting the
Frontier and Report to Thomas. Get the follow-up
Deliver Thomas' Report.
- Go to the Eastvale Logging Camp and turn in A
Bundle of Trouble and Red Linen Goods.
- Once done, Hearth to Goldshire.

- At Goldshire, turn in your quests:
- Collecting Kelp and get the follow-up The
- Gold Dust Exchange
- Kobold Candles and get the follow-up Shipment
to Stormwiind
- Deliver Thomas' Report - don't get the follow-up
Cloth and Leather Armor.
- The Jasperlode Mine and get the follow-up
Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!
- Head south to the Maclure Vineyards. Turn in The
- Head west to the Stonefield Farm. Turn in Goldtooth
and Princess Must Die!
- Head northwest to Westbrook Garrison. Turn in Westbrook
Garrison Needs Help! and get the quests Riverpaw
Gnoll Bounty and Wanted: "Hogger" (Group).
- Head south to the gnoll camps and kill the Riverpaw
Gnolls for 8 Painted Gnoll Armband. If you get
lucky, you may get the random drop Gold Pickup Schedule
as a random quest drop from the gnolls, which starts
the quest The Collector.
Also, try to find someone to group with to kill the infamous
Hogger for his Huge Gnoll Claw. He's soloable,
but is a difficult fight - use any items you've gotten so
far to help, especially a healing potion.
- Head north to Westbrook Garrison and turn in Riverpaw
Gnoll Bounty.
- Head northeast to Goldshire. Turn in Wanted:
"Hogger" - and, if you got lucky with the
random drop, turn in The Collector. Don't get the
follow-up Manhunt because it is far out of
the way. Train your skills.
That concludes Elwynn Forest. Head southwest into