Alliance Grizzly Hills Guide Part 4
Level 76

- Ride east to Thor Modan. Enter the three buildings
to explore them in the outer area and also kill enough dwarves
for 5 Runic Keystone Fragments.
- Return to the Westfall Brigade Encampment and turn
- The Runic Keystone and get the follow-up The
Runic Prophecies
- Uncovering the Tunnels and get the follow-up
The Fate of Orlond
- Take the northeast path to Kurun.

- At Kurun, turn in An Expedient Ally and
get the follow-up Raining Down Destruction.
- Head northeast and pick up a Boulder around the
area where many giants and throwing boulders into the city
below. Target an Iron Dwarf and throw the boulder.
You may only carry one boulder at a time. Kill 5 Iron
Dwarves this way.
- Then, return to Kurun and turn in Raining
Down Destruction. Get the follow-up Rallying
the Troops.
- Head northeast and use the Shard of the Earth on
the Grizzly Hill Giants fighting in melee. Each time
you rally a giant, an Iron Rune Avenger will spawn
- kill it. Rally 5 Giants and Kill 5 Avengers.
- Then, return to Kurun and turn in Rallying
the Troops. Get the follow-up Into the Breach.
- Head around and down into Thor Modan. In the tunnel,
go to Surveyor Orlond and turn in The Fate of
Orlond. Get the follow-up Steady as a Rock?
- Jump into the water below and kill Subterranean
Threshers for a Portable Seismograph.
As you clear your way through, you will find Rune
Plates on both sides - from the entrance as you clear
your way deeper in, the order in which you'll find them
- Third Prophecy
- First Prophecy
- Second Prophecy
At the very end of the tunnel, kill Iron Thane Argrum.
Also, use the Poratble Seismograph at the eastern
end of the tunnel. Clear your way back out, making sure
to finish killing 10 Iron Dwarf Defenders.
- Return to Kurun.

- At Kurun, turn in Into the Breach and get
the follow-up Gavrock.
Return to Westfall Brigade Encampment and turn
- Steady as a Rock? and get the follow-up Check
Up on Raegar
- The Runic Prophecies
- Ride southeast to Harkor's Camp. Turn in Say
Hello to My Little Friend and get the quests:
- It Takes Guts...
- Nice to Meat You
- Therapy
- Head east and look for Schools of Northern Salmon around
the islands. Stand in it and use your Fishing Net and
fish up 6 Northern Salmon.
- Go to Gavrock.

- At Gavrock, turn in Gavrock and get the
follow-up Runes of Compulsion.
- Ride northwest and kill the Rune-Weavers to spawn
and kill Overseer Durval.
- Ride southeast and kill the Rune-Weavers to spawn
and kill Overseer Korgan.
- Ride southeast and kill the Rune-Weavers to spawn
and kill Overseer Lochli.
- Ride southeast and kill the Rune-Weavers to spawn
and kill Overseer Brunon.
- Return to Gavrock.

- At Gavrock, turn in Runes of Compulsion.
Get the follow-up Latent Power.
- Ride southwest to the First Ancient Stone and
use the Shard of Gavrock.
- Ride southeast to the Third Ancient Stone and use
the Shard of Gavrock.
- Ride northeast to the Second Ancient Stone and
use the Shard of Gavrock.
- Return to Gavrock and turn in Latent Power.
Get the follow-up Free At Last.
- Ride west. Use Gavrok's Runebreaker on Runed
Giants and Successfully Free 4 Giants. Note that
you can and should repeatedly use the runebreaker on a giant
until it succeeds - sometimes, it can take several tries
until you successfully free it. Also, finish collecting
10 Fibrous Worg Meat from Duskhowl Prowlers and
10 Shovelhorn Steak from Longhoof Grazers.
- Ride to Hugh Glass and turn in A Bear of an
- Ride back to Gavrock and turn in Free at Last.