Blade's Edge Guide Level
Level 68
Alliance Travel to Northrend!
Level 68
Level 68 is the minimum level requirement to
enter Northrend. And should you go to Northrend at level 68?
- Northrend quest experience is much greater than that of
The Outlands, with pretty much every single quest rewarding
over 20k experience apiece.
- The monsters give more experience and are not more difficult.
- The quest rewards are huge upgrades.
Fly to Shattrath. Take the portal to Stormwind. Train your
Fly to Menethil Harbor, Wetlands.
Take the boat at the northern pier to Valgarde
Keep, Howling Fjord.
Welcome to Northrend!

In this exciting expansion, there are many interesting new
types of quests here. As you fight your way through the armies
of the Lich King, you'll have a blast!