Alliance Zangarmarsh Guide Part 2
Level 63
== ZONE NOTE == Whenever you kill a Sporebat in
this zone and you stand in melee range of it, you get a nice
+30 to all stats buff for 5 minutes. Kill a Sporebat every
so often to keep the buff on you as often as you can. Also,
you will need 6 Fertile Spores at the end which can
be found off Sporebats, so keep any you find and don't sell

- Head south along the path then southwest to Funggor
Cavern and enter the cave, clearing all the fungal giants
on the way. Clear your way to the back of the cave for Ikeyen's
Belongings and on the bottom of the cave, kill Lord
Klaq - though he's elite, he's weak and the only difficult
part is the adds that come with him. Try to split the pull.
As you exit the cave, finish killing 10 Marsh Dredger
and 10 Marsh Lurker.
- Head northwest and clear your way through the naga to
the Umbrafen Lake Steam Pump and use the Ironvine
Seeds. A Steam Pump Overseer will spawn and attack
each time you do this in the future pumps - kill it to get
the likely drop of the Drain Schematics, which starts
the quest Drain Schematics.
- Head northwest and clear your way through the naga to
the Lagoon Steam Pump and use the Ironvine Seeds.
Also, in the camp Rajah Haghazed, if you have a partner,
kill him (Extremely difficult to solo for most classes.
Simply skip without a partner.)
- Head northwest and clear your way through the naga to
the Serpent Lake Steam Pump and use the Ironvine
Also, in the camp is Rajis Fyashe, if you have a
partner, kill her (Extremely difficult to solo for most
classes. Simply skip without a partner.)
- Head northwest to the Orebor Harborage and turn
in The Orebor Harborage.
Set your Hearthstone to Orebor Harborage.
Get the new flight path as well as the quests:
- Ango'rosh Encroachment
- Daggerfen Deviance
- Secrets of the Daggerfen
- Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki
- Head west and kill 10 Ango'rosh Ogre and 5 Ango'rosh
Shaman. Also, pick up any Glowcaps you notice
lying around.
- Head west to the Daggerfen Village. Kill
15 Daggerfen Muckdweller and 3 Daggerfen Assassin.
In the various villages, search for a Daggerfen Poison
Vial sitting on a crate.
- Head to the main building on the south side of the village
and head up the staircase to fight Chieftain Mummaki.
Kill him and loot his totem. On the floor of the top floor
is also the Daggerfen Poison Manual.
- Hearth to Orebor Harborage and turn in:
- Ango'rosh Encroachment
- Daggerfen Deviance
- Secrets of the Daggerfen
- Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki
pick up the new quests:
- Lines of Communication
- Natural Armor
- Overlord Gorefist
- Stinger Venom
- The Terror of Marshlight Lake

- Head southwest to the Marshlight Lake Steam Pump and
use your Ironvine Seeds. Kill the Steam Pump Overseer.
If you have not yet picked up the Drain Schematics quest
from a random drop, then keep using the seeds and spawning
overseers and killing them until you get one. You should
also easily have 30 Naga Claws by now - if not, kill
more nagas for them.
- Head southwest to Watcher Leesa'oh and turn in
Watcher Leesa'oh. Get the follow-up Observing
the Sporelings.
- Head west and get Fahssn's quests:
- The Sporelings' Plight
- Natural Enemies
- Head west and pick up 10 Mature Spore Sacs and
credit for Investigate the Spawning Glen and kill
enough giants to finish collecting 6 Bog Lord Tendril.
- Then, return to Fahssn and turn in:
- The Sporelings' Plight
- Natural Enemies and get the follow-up Sporeggar.
(Note: you need to be Neutral in order to
get this quest - if you have not yet hit Neutral,
you should be close - go back to the Spawning Glen
and kill Bog Lords until you reach Neutral.)
- Return to Leesa'oh and turn in Observing the
Sporelings and get the follow-up A Question of Gluttony.
- Head east and pick up 10 Discarded Nutrients scattered
around the giant area.
- Then, return to Leesa'oh and turn in A Question
of Gluttony and get the follow-up Familiar Fungi.
- Head east and kill 12 Marshfang Slicer and "Count"
Ungula. "Count" Ungula's Mandible starts The
Count of the Marshes.
- Head southeast to the Boha'mu Ruins and head up
the stairs just barely into the house to get Explore
the Boha'mu Ruins.
- Head north to Blacksting, northeast of the Feralfen
Village, and kill it for Blacksting's Stinger.
- Head north into Serpent Lake and kill Fenclaw
Thrashers until done collecting 8 Fenclaw Hide.
Also, make sure to swim over and slightly into the pipe
in the middle of the lake for Drain Located credit.
- Head north to Orebor Harborage and turn in:
- Natural Armor and get the follow-up Maktu's
- Lines of Communication

- Fly to Telredor and turn in:
- The Boha'mu Ruins and get the follow-up Idols
of the Feralfen
- Too Many Mouths to Feed
- Blacksting's Bane
- Umbrafen Eel Filets and get the follow-up
Diaphanous Wings
- Ride southeast to Cenarion Refuge. Turn in:
- A Damp, Dark Place
- Saving the Sporeloks
- Safeguarding the Watchers
- A Warm Welcome
- Drain Schematics and get the follow-up Warning
the Cenarion Circle
- Balance Must Be Preserved
- Leader of the Bloodscale (if you
did the group quest)
- Leader of the Darkcrest (if you did
the group quest)
Get the new quest Blessings of the Ancients and
talk to Ashyen, Ancient of War and Keleth,
Ancient of Lore for their blessing, then turn in
Blessings of the Ancients.
- Head east back to Hellfire Peninsula's Cenarion Post
and turn in Warning the Cenarion Circle. Get
the follow-up Return to the Marsh.
- Return to Cenarion Refuge and turn in Return
to the Marsh and get the follow-up Failed Incursion.