Alliance Hellfire Peninsula Guide Part 3
Level 60
Congratulations on level 60. As of Patch 3.2, you can fly
starting at level 60. Go to Honor Hold and learn Expert
Riding from your trainer and buy your flying mount. The
mount speed while flying is buffed in 3.2 to +150%, which
is faster than that of the epic land mount, so now you can
directly fly from location to location, saving a lot of time
while traveling!
The cost of the riding skill is 225g, and the flying mount
costs 50g with a possible faction reputation discount. That's
a decent chunk of gold...or maybe not much at all if you've
been following the
Gold Guide. If you have been, you might
be in the thousands of gold right now - and you'll be on track
for the Epic Flying Mount coming up at level 70 with the cost
of 5,000g.

- At Honor Hold, turn in Return to Honor Hold
and The Dark Missive and get all the quests:
- An Old Gift
- Fel Spirits
- The Heart of Darkness
- The Path of Glory
- Digging for Prayer Beads
- The Longbeards
- Overlord (Group)
- Weaken the Ramparts (Dungeon)
For Digging for Prayer Beads, you can just pick
up the beads Behind the Honor Hold Inn.
Look for Fei Fei's Cache. Then, turn in Digging
for Prayer Beads.
- Head west to the west tower and get Unyielding Souls.
- Ride southwest into Terokkar Forest along the

- Follow the road west to Shattrath City. Get
the Flight Point.
Head to the center of the city and take the portal to Stormwind.
Train your skills.

- Hearth to Honor Hold.
- Head southwest to the alliance mine and talk to Foreman
Biggums and get the quests:
- A Job for an Intelligent Man
- When this Mine's a-Rockin'
- Head into the mine and kill 12 Gan'arg Sappers.
Exit the mine and to Foreman Biggums and turn in
When this Mine's a-Rockin' and get the follow-up
The Mastermind.
Go back into the mine to the bottom of the path and
kill Z'Kral.
Exit the mine to Foreman Biggums and turn in
The Mastermind.
- Head southwest to see many piles of moving rocks. Step
near them to have the Marauding Crust Bursters rise
up and Kill 15. Keep killing them as well until you
get an Eroded Leather Case which is a random drop
- it starts the quest Missing Missive.
- Then, return to Foreman Biggums and turn in A
Job for an Intelligent Man.
- Head southwest to the Zeppelin Crash and get:
- Head southwest and kill the ravagers to get to the 12
Ravager Egg lying around the ground. The ravagers also
drop them.
- Head northeast to the Shattered Hand Orcs and use
your Anchorite Relic. Pull the orcs near the relic
and kill them. Each time you kill them, a Fel Spirit
will spawn - Kill 10 of them.
- Return to the Zeppelin Crash and turn in Ravager
Egg Roundup and get the follow-up Helboar, the Other
White Meat.
- Ride east and kill Helboar which drop Tainted
Helboar Meat - use the Purification Mixture on
them until you get 8 Purified Helboar Meat. You could
also get Toxic Helboar Meat from the mixture, which is useless.
- Return to the Zeppelin Crash and turn in Helboar,
the Other White Meat and get the follow-up Smooth
as Butter.
- Head south to the Expedition Armory and kill 12
Unyielding Footman, 10 Unyielding Sorceror, and 5 Unyielding
- Go south of the armory to find a destroyed house. Loot
the book Mysteries of the Light in front of it.
- Ride northeast to the Valley of Bones. Follow the
canyon eastward all the while killing all vultures and collecting
all the zeppelin debris until done gathering 30 Zeppelin
Debris and 12 Plump Buzzard Wing.
- Ride north to the Path of Glory and click on the
Trampled Skeleton scattered around the path. They
blend in with the road, but glitter. Head down the path
and Cleanse 8 Trampled Skeleton.
- Ride southwest to Honor Hold. Turn in:
- An Old Gift
- The Path of Glory and get the follow-up The
Temple of Telhamat
- Fel Spirits and get the follow-up The Exorcism
of Colonel Jules
The quest begins the exorcism ritual and enemies start
to spawn. Just keep using the Ritual Prayer Beads
which releases a big AoE attack on cooldown to kill
everything and complete The Exorcism of Colonel Jules
by speaking with Colonel Jules. Then, get the
follow-up Trollbane is Looking for You.
Turn in that quest at the keep and get the Drill
the Drillmaster (Group).

- Ride west to the west tower and turn in Unyielding
Souls and get the follow-up, Looking to the Leadership.
- Ride southwest to the Zeppelin Crash and turn
- In Case of Emergency
- Smooth as Butter and get the follow-up Voidwalkers
Gone Wild
- Head southeast to the expedition armory. Clear your way
through the armory and kill Arch Mage Xintor
- Kill Lieutenant Commander Thalvos.
- If you're not yet Level 61, then keep killing
at the expedition armory until you hit 61. This location
has a plentiful amount of low hp mobs which are close to
each other, so the killing will go quickly and the experience
will roll in. The next portion has quests which require
you to be level 61 to get them, so keep at it.
An alternative is to run the Hellfire Ramparts with
a group - the first time you do the Ramparts, you get a
40,000 experience bonus from the quests alone in
addition to the experience from the instance! The presence
of this huge bonus means that if you can, you should run
the ramparts at least once if possible. Finishing the Ramparts
unlocks the Blood Furnace quests as well, which you
should also run through once after the ramparts for a large
experience bonus from the quests.
Also, if you can find somebody to do the quest Drill
the Drillmaster, he's at the end of the Path of Glory.
Kill him with your partner.