Alliance Dustwallow Marsh Guide Part 1
Level 38
Hearth to Ironforge. Train your skills.
Turn in The Karnitol Shipwreck.
Fly to Menethil Harbor, Wetlands. At the docks, get
the quest James Hyal. As well, its time to complete
where we left off on The Missing Diplomat - speak to
Mikhail inside the inn, then Defeat Tapoke Jahn
to get the next step in The Missing Diplomat.
Take the boat to Theramore.
Set your Hearthstone to Theramore.

At Theramore, turn in James Hyal and The Missing
Diplomat and get the quests:
- Inspecting the Ruins
- This Old Lighthouse
- Traitors Among Us
- Tabetha's Farm
- Mudrock Soup and Bugs
- The Missing Diplomat
First, run along town and talk to Deserter Agitators.
Sometimes, they will turn hostile and attack. After defeating
5 Deserter Agitators, return to Calia Hastings
near the docks and get the follow-up Propaganda War.
- Go to the southernmost dock and board the ship. At the
bottom of the ship, pick up the Deserter Propaganda in
the boxes.
- Return to Celia Hastings, turn in Propaganda
War. Wait for her to finish altering the fliers, then
get the follow-up Discrediting the Deserters.
- Run along town and talk to Theramore Guards.
- Then, return to Celia Hastings and turn in
Discrediting the Deserters. Get the follow-up
The End of the Deserters.
- Swim northeast to the Lighthouse. Turn in This
Old Lighthouse and get the follow-up Thresher Oil.
- Swim south and kill the Young Murk Threshers under
the docks and collect 4 Thresher Oil.
- Swim a ways east to the ship and clear your way to Gavis
Greyshield. Kill him and when he's near death he'll
- Swim northwest to the Lighthouse and turn in Thresher
Oil and get the follow-up Dastardly Denizens of the
- Swim southwest to the Theramore docks and turn in The
End of the Deserters and Dastardly Denizens of the
Deep and get the follow-up Is It Real?
- Swim southwest to Nat Pagle. Turn in Is It Real?
and get the follow-up Nat's Bargain. Use the
fish paste immediately.
- Swim southwest to the shipwreck. With the fish paste applied,
a shark will attack. Kill it.
- Return to Nat Pagle and turn in Nat's Bargain.
Get the follow-up Oh, It's Real.
- Swim northeast to the docks and turn in Oh, It's Real
and get the follow-up Take Down Tethyr! Tethyr, a
giant sea creature, will spawn. Run between the middle cannon
and one of the side cannons and use them until the monster
is dead. Then, turn in the quest upon his defeat.
Get the new quests in town, The Hermit of Swamplight
Manor and A Disturbing Development

- Follow the road northwest to the first tower, Sentry
Point. Turn in:
- The Missing Diplomat and get the next step
in the chain.
- A Disturbing Development and get the follow-up
Defias in Dustwallow?
- Head east to the shore and fight your way up it killing
Mudrocks. Pull some up to shore from the ocean as
well. Gather 8 Forked Mudrock Tongue. There are more
on the island in step 3, so move on and keep looking for
Mudrocks if you don't have enough tongues yet.
- Swim northeast to the island and kill Garn Mathers.
- Run northwest to Swamplight Manor and turn in The
Hermit of Swamplight Manor. Get the quests:
- The Orc Report
- What's Haunting Witch Hill?
- Marsh Frog Legs
- Head northeast and gather 10 Frog Legs by killing
the level 1 frog critters. Also, kill Risen Husks and
Risen Spirits which are often near the frogs to Gather
10 Information.
- Return to Swamplight Manor and turn in What's
Haunting Witch Hill? and Marsh Frog Legs and
get the follow-up The Witch's Bane.
- Head west and pick up 9 Witchbane along the river.
- Ignore the quests from Sergeant Lukas for now and
go a short distance west and find Private Hendel.
Defeat him to complete the final link of the long chain
of The Missing Diplomat and enjoy the payout of a
massive amount of experience.
- Head northwest to a clearing of many Darkmist Spiders
and kill them for 20 Unpopped Darkmist Eyes.
- Circle around the horde outpost Brackenwall Village
and visit the ogre Mudcrush Durtfeet to get the quest
- Go to the Shady Rest Inn and turn in Inspecting
the Ruins. Get the three follow-ups Suspicious Hoofprints,
Lieutenant Paval Reethe, and The Black Shield.
- Hearth to Theramore. Turn in the quests:
- Mudrock Soup and Bugs, and don't get the follow-up
- The Orc Report and complete its follow-ups
- Suspicious Hoofprints
- Lieutenant Paval Reethe and complete the follow-ups
and get The Deserters
- The Black Shield and complete its follow-ups
Get the quest: