Alliance Redridge Mountains Part 2
Level 24
Fly to Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains.
Set your Hearthstone to Lakeshire.

- Head north along the road to Render's Camp. Enter
the cave in the back of the camp and kill Blackrock Champions
and fight to the end of the cave to find Corporal Keeshan.
Take his escort quest, Missing in Action and
escort him out of the cave, making sure to kill 15 Blackrock
Champions on the way.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Pull the mobs AHEAD of him
before he reaches them! Even though he's tough, he charges
into fights and can quickly get many adds. Outside, when
he says that he's taking a rest, quickly take the opportunity
to single pull continuously from the two big camps.
If you do not, then he'll walk into the two big camps and
pull every mob and you'll be doomed. If you do fail, you
can go back in the cave and get the quest again.
- Follow Keeshan back to Lakeshire and turn in Corporal
Keeshan and Blackrock Bounty.
- Head east to the gnoll camps. Kill Lieutenant Fangore
- this is a tough fight since he comes with two adds
- try to burn him down quickly, then if you're a strong
solo class then take down the adds, otherwise, run away
and come back to loot Fangore later. Also, kil enough Gnolls
for 10 Shadowhide Pendants. You may also get
a Faded Shadowhide Pendant - accept the quest Theocritus'
Retrieval from the item.
- Head southeast to the Lion Statue and turn in A
Watchful Eye. Get the follow-up Looking Further.
- Continue to kill gnolls and head west to Stonewatch
Keep. Kill the Blackrock Shadowcasters for their
Midnight Orbs. Optional: If you have a groupmate
or friend with you, kill Thrail'zun who is in the
courtyard for the quest Thrail'zun, and Gath'Ilzogg
for Wanted: Gath'Ilzogg who is inside the keep.
Don't spend much time attempting to find a groupmate for
these, they are just good quests if you happen to have someone
with you on both these quests there with you.
- Head northwest out the keep and to the tower. At the top
of the tower, turn in Looking Further at the
Empty Jar.
- Hearth to Lakeshire.
- Head southwest and kill Bellygrub, then return
to Lakeshire. Turn in your quests:
- Shadow Magic
- Solomon's Law
- Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore
- An Unwelcome Guest
Either abandon or turn in the group quests Thrail'zun
and Gath'Ilzogg. We're done with the Redridge