Alliance Loch Modan & Westfall Guide
Level 17-19

Fly to Ironforge. Turn in Report to Ironforge in
the northeast area of Ironforge and get the follow-up
Powder to Ironband. Also, train your skills.
Fly to Thelsamar, Loch Modan.

- Arrive at Thelsamar. Turn in Powder to Ironband
and get the follow-up Resupplying the Excavation.
- Head southwest and turn in In Defense of the King's
Lands and head up the tower and get the next step in
the chain.
- Head east into the trogg cave. Turn right (west) on the
first turn and find and kill Grawmug, Gnasher, and Brawler
on a ledge near the center of the cave area.
- Return to the south tower and turn in In Defense of
the King's Lands.
- Head northeast up the hill path and kill Ol' Sooty
for Ol' Sooty's Head.
- Head southeast to Huldar and turn in Resupplying
the Excavation and get the follow-up After the Ambush
and turn that in to get the follow-up Protecting the
- Escort Huldar to Ironband's Excavation Site
and turn in Protecting the Shipment.
- Head east and kill Troggs for 8 Carved Stone
Idols. Then, turn in Gathering Idols at the camp.

- Head east to The Farstrider Lodge and turn in
Crocolisk Hunting and Vyrin's Revenge.
- Head northeast to Mo'grosh Stronghold and kill
4 Mo'grosh Ogre, 4 Mo'grosh Brute, and 4 Mo'grosh Enforcer.
(If you're in a group, you can head into the cave to
the northeast and kill Chok'sul as well. He's difficult
to solo, though.)
- Head west to Stonewrought Dam and get A Dark
Threat Looms from Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII.
- Head east to the Suspicious Barrel. Complete and
get the next step in A Dark Threat Looms.
- Return to the Chief Engineer. Complete A Dark
Threat Looms and don't get the follow-up, it isn't worth
Then, return to Loch Modan. Turn in Mercenaries.
You're done with Loch Modan! Hearth to Stormwind.
Train your skills. Turn in Stormpike's Order.
Get Collecting Memories and Oh Brother... from
Wilder Thistlenettle in the southeast area of The Dwarven
Fly to Westfall.

- Arrive at Sentinel Hill, Westfall.
- Head south and fight your way up through the Defias.
Clear 15 Defias Highwayman, 5 Defias Pathstalker, and
5 Defias Knuckleduster. You will find Thunderbrew
at the top with a quest - ignore it, it gives no experience.
- Head southwest to the Westfall Lighthouse. Get
the quests:
- Keeper of the Flame and immediately turn it
in with your 5 Flask of Oil.
- The Coastal Menace
Don't get The Coast Isn't Clear because it would
require traveling all the way to north Westfall then back
- Walk up along the shore. Kill Old Murk-Eye for
the Scale of Old Murk-Eye.
- Then, return to the Westfall Lighthouse and
turn in The Coastal Menace.
- Head northeast to Moonbrook. Enter the Defias
Hideout and into the Deadmines. Don't go into
the instance - instead, clear your way to the southeast
area with the undead. Kill the undead for 4 Miners'
Union Cards and kill Foreman Thistlenettle at
the end for Thistlenettle's Badge.
== IMPORTANT NOTE == : You should be level 20 by
this point. If not, you are probably quite close. It is
important that you hit level 20 before going to the next
set of steps because many of the quest requirements require
level 20. If you need to grind a few mobs, then I highly
recommend Goretusks which are by the patch of water
northeast of Moonbrook. Kill them until you hit level
20. The Chunk of Boar Meat they drop sells for a
decent amount of the auction house because high level players
use it to raise their cooking skill. Or, you can run the
Deadmines instance.
- Return to Sentinel Hill and turn in Red Leather
Bandanas and The People's Militia and get the
follow-up The Defias Brotherhood.
If you're not level 20 yet, kill monsters in Westfall until
you are. Then, Hearth to Stormwind. Turn in Collecting
Memories and Oh Brother...